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“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”  – C.S. Lewis

It seems like nowadays, the value of humility is ofter mistaken for weakness. But there is no shame in being humble. On the contrary, whether we like to admit it or not, deep down, we all appreciate humble people around us. Here are some tips on how to stay humble and show other that we care.

Speak less, listen more

Listen to people around you, not only to respond but to capture the essence of what the other person is trying to express. Everyone has a story to tell. We all have different perspectives and life experiences. Therefore, when put together, it give you an invaluable opportunity to learn something new from everyone. There is richness and wisdom lying under the surface of every heart. You just need to be humble enough to sit and really listen.

Consider the needs of others

We all have needs and desires, but sometimes we get so caught up in ourselves, that we forget about all else. Truly humble people are able to put the needs of others before their own, not out of a need for approval, but out of a place of love. No, the L-word is not just for Valentine’s Day. You can keep applying it to life every day of the year when you are considerate of the needs of those around you. 

Be gentle and kind

A humble heart sees the good in others. It speaks with kindness regardless of the situation. A humble heart acts according to values, instead of reacting according to circumstance.
When you maintain a humble attitude, you learn how to love on people, not because of what they can give, but because of who they are. This will help you build genuine and profound friendships.

Admit your mistakes

Admitting your mistakes is not an easy task to manage. It requires not only humility but also strength of character. Owning your slips is just the first step. Real humility is shown when you recognize your own mistakes, apologize if applicable, and take the necessary actions to amend them.

Humble people invite feedback that help build long lasting relationshipsEmbrace Feedback

There is always growth in feedback. We all have blind spots, those things about ourselves that are impossible to see without someone else’s perspective. Be intentional when searching for feedback and be wise on who to approach for it. You need someone kind to speak with love, but who is also honest to speak with truth. Seek for ways to grow and to better yourself, while recognizing there will always be room for more improvement.