Do you believe in simplicity?
Do you enjoy a life free of clutter and overwhelm? Most of us would say yes to a big helping of simplicity. But, simple living requires serious choices. It means saying no, and good-bye and “thanks, but no thanks.” The lining on this seemingly gray cloud is that these decisions bring balance and freedom from so many things.
Freedom in Simplicity
Choosing to live the simplified life gives you freedom from the need to say yes to everyone; freedom from the need to accomplish more than is realistic in a day; freedom from the need to become someone or do something because it’s “expected”. Simplicity allows you to chart your own course; very, very carefully.
But how can you get to that place of simplicity? Take a deep breath because it doesn’t happen overnight. But, if you’re committed to it, the simple ways of living will bring you focus and calm, unlike anything you have experienced yet.
How do I begin to simplify?
Start by taking a look at these 3 areas and agree to do something about each of them before the end of the month. Make one step forward in each.
1. Possessions. Accumulating too many material possessions creates another “to-do list” of organizing and maintenance. Owning lots of things means storing all of those things, cleaning and maintaining all of those things.
2. Financial commitments. I.E. Debt. No one would disagree that debt is a weight we don’t want to be carrying around forever. Most of the western world has adopted a certain level of debt as a normal part of life. There was a time when debt wasn’t a good thing. Do we even remember those days? If you have financial commitments that keep you from paying down debt, get rid of them. It seems too simple, but that’s it in its simplest form. Give up your afternoon mocha, your newspaper from the corner stand or whatever other little pleasures you offer yourself. Maybe it’s the gym membership (creating a basic home gym will always be cheaper in the long run), the 3,000 channel TV package. Whatever it is – do something. Don’t be afraid to go radical. You will never regret paying down debt. Then, adjust your spending. What’s the point in paying down debt, only to return? Once you’ve cut your afternoon mocha to eliminate debt. You may need to give it up permanently in order to stay out of debt. Adopt a new way to enjoy life, simplify… make your own mocha!
3. Schedule. Only your value system can determine your time commitment. Your time IS your life. How do you want to spend it? Most of life is comprised of appointments scheduled back to back from morning through the evening. Have you ever divided your time commitments in a pie chart. It’s a great visual. Where is the majority of your time spent? The second largest portion? Where can you make adjustments to live a more simplified life?
As the New Year moves steadily forward, don’t let the fast pace of our daily lives take over. Make some choices to simplify life and experience peace.