Labor Day is approaching and you want to take a break. Why not explore the awesome features of the Make it a Great Day Bag and find out how this Bag can work for you day in and day out. Whether its an office job or one that requires travel, the Make it a Great Day Bag can make your work day easier.
Shelly makes it a great day for mentally challenged adults
This Labor Day we’re highlighting a young mom who works part- time outside of home as a Personal and Professional Development Coach for adult citizens who are mentally disabled. Coaching and monitoring the progress of mentally challenged adults is a job that requires passion and dedication! Shelly’s work involves finding meaningful and contributing jobs for these adults, then coaching and assisting them to progress in their position and maintain employment. This work from home job is known for the massive amounts of paperwork! It requires lots of notes and record keeping. She keeps a notebook full of client profiles and information specific to their progress and current issues being addressed. Each of these notebooks of records are then required when weekly client visits are made. When its time to hit the road she reaches for her Make It a Great Day Bag. In goes the 3 large client profile notebooks, iPhone, laptop, and a smaller zipper pouch of “purse essentials” (you know, tylenol, compact mirror and lipstick…)
Working mom’s perfect bag
The work from home job goes mobile as the little ones are buckled into car seats and she heads off to her first stop, a client review. Also tucked neatly into the bag, are diaper bag essentials; extra diapers and baby wipes, sip cups with lids, small plastic container with snacks, and two changes of clothing (one for each child), and lastly a few small toys to keep everyone entertained.
Upon arrival, out comes the Make it a Great Day bag with her various notebooks inside. With all of the individualized pockets, the diaper bag essentials don’t interfere with her work notebooks. The travel pack of baby wipes fits into the inside pocket. The diapers fit perfectly into the I Pad Pocket, and waterproof pocket is a great place to store the sip cups and pacifiers. Being a stay at home mom, working part time from home and the road is made so much easier with this essential work tool!
Celebrate Labor Day with a Gift to yourself….
The Make it a Great Day Bag!
This Labor day, truly take a load off with the best all in one tote/backpack! This bag works for YOU. Home, office, working from the road or traveling, this bag is the only bag you will need. The heavy duty canvas makes this bag durable and hardworking! The specialized pockets mean you have a place for everything. Trust your things to durable backpack straps and drawstring closures! This Bag is the perfect work and play addition!