There are many bags one can choose to carry, most are for a particular purpose. One of the problems you may encounter is that your bag is not the right size for every situation. This means switching bags each day based upon your needs for that day. What a hassle! And it can be expensive too… With our convertible tote bag/backpack, the problem is solved. The Make It A Great Day Bag is fully adjustable, making it the best everyday bag for all your needs!
A Bag As Big As You Need It To Be
No matter what each day may hold, the best size bag for every day is the one that can change with your daily needs. Because of its flexible design and adjustable straps, the Make It A Great Day Bag can adapt to your circumstances!
If you have a large load to take with you, simply loosen the buckles on the sides or unsnap them entirely and voilá, your bag opens with a broad mouth for easy access. At it’s largest position our bag stands 16.5 inches tall, a whopping 26 inches wide at the top and has up to an 18 inch opening at the top.
You can carry everything you need for the day, plus your personal belongings secured in their dedicated pockets. All this can be easily carried as a backpack, making the load feel light and leaving your hands free.
A Bag For Even The Little Things
What if you only have a few items to bring with you? No problem! The Make It A Great Day bag is flexible enough to become small in a moments notice. The side and top buckles can be quickly cinched down and closed together. The drawstring on top adds another level of minimizing while simultaneously securing all you have inside.
Once minimized, the bag measures a mere 16.5 inches tall, 13 inches wide at the top with a 4-inch opening. Half the size it was at it’s fully opened position!
Bag That’s Transformational
The Make It A Great Day Bag is designed to be flexible, being easily maximized or minimized in less than 30 seconds. The ideal everyday bag, whether you have a lot to carry or a little or even if your needs change once you’ve left for the day, this bag is the only one you will need to take with you.
If you’re looking for the best adjustable bag for everyday use, look no further. The Make It A Great Day Bag is the one you’ve been looking for!