In Blog, Family

It may not be spring but the new year often puts that sense of “fresh start” in our veins. And somehow that translates to, “let’s get cleaning”. It’s been said white space makes you feel peace. But, wanting to create white space and actually creating it are different. You may be wondering where do I even begin. Owning less means maintaining less. The simple upkeep of your possessions requires an investment of time, energy and focus.

That is time and a whole lot of energy spent caring for things that can’t give back. Choose what deserves your time. Consider the benefits of owning less, cleaning less, minimizing or eliminating monthly payments. There is less to organize, and more time to spend on your true passions. Choosing to downsize the amount of energy needed to maintain material objects will never be a decision you’ll regret.

Back to school bag, vStart today: Choose to spend 5 minutes every day to declutter one area of your home.

How do you get started decluttering? Choose one these methods below and follow the guidelines. You may choose to begin with the 5-minute method, then work your way up to the garbage bag method. Whatever you choose, the idea is to start today!


The Giveaway method:

This plan focuses on you choosing to give away and in another sense, re-home the items you simply don’t use often enough to require storing them. Try these challenges.

  1. The one item per day challenge. That’s right. Every day choose something that you can part with. Something! Set a large shopping size bag near the front door and fill it with one item each day. Then at the end of the week take it to a charity you trust.
  2. The One Bag Per Month. Challenge yourself to fill a garbage bag with items you can give away during the entire month. The idea is to have the garbage bag FULL after one month. Then drop it off at your favorite charity organization.
  3. 1 Large scale garage sale or purge every 6 months. This plan is just what is says. Plan to give away or sell everything that you choose to include in the garage sale. The idea is that nothing you are willing to sell comes back into the house, garage or attic.

simplify life, tidying up with lil onesThe Clean to cleanse method

Set your mind to cleaning one area of the house or office each week on a certain day and agree to purge as you clean. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, chances are you don’t need a larger closet. It’s more likely you have too much in the closet. Can you downsize?

Go through the cabinet as you move items around to clean, look carefully at each item and choose what you truly need and what you probably haven’t even brought into the light of day in over a year. Surely that item can go!

Choose to live with less! Simplifying requires making serious choices to focus your talent, energy money and time on your true passions that will bring you greater peace and happiness in life.