January is almost over and the year is off and running. You may be one of the millions who took the opportunity at the turn of a new year to consider the year behind them. With that reflection, you have the chance to make some changes in the things you weren’t happy with. The year ahead was a blank canvas, and you looked with excitement at the fresh start. So, how are you feeling now?
Statistics reveal that only 8 % of people who actually create a resolution both follow through with their action plan for change AND succeed. So, after nearly a month of traction in 2016, are you staying the course?
How have you done so far with the goals you set for yourself?
Here at Make It A Great Day we talk a lot about goals because we believe staying in the present and monitoring your daily progress is the only way to truly stay committed to seeing your dreams realized. We know that dreams don’t happen to us, we make the dream happen! When life gets busy it’s easy to just go with the flow, but that’s how you will find yourself off course. Take time before the end of the first quarter of the year to review your progress thus far. Having some helpful questions to trigger your analytical process can really help!
It’s time for you to review your goals for the year!
4 Questions to ask as a monthly progress review:
1. Were my goals realistic? Be honest. Have you bitten off more than you can chew? Do you need to pare down the giant size goal into more realistic action steps like a 90-day goal that will connect to your long term goals eventually?
2. Have I broken my goals down into priority items, focusing on the most important and perhaps most easily attained goals first in order to create momentum? Are you all over the map trying to scratch things off of your list or are you honed in focusing on the most important items at the start of the year to allow yourself to see success fast. You know a win under the belt and a pat on the back (albeit from yourself) goes a long way to keeping you energized.
3. Do I have daily action steps in place to see to it that something happens daily to keep me moving forward? If not, you need them. The most common reason people never accomplish their yearly goals is simply because “life” takes over and they get lost in the mundane of work and home and the normal life. If pursuing your goals isn’t a part of your daily to-do list, it will likely never happen.
4. Have I shared my goals with someone I respect that will give me honest advice and a firm nudge in the right direction when I stray from my course? If so, Am I checking in with him regularly? And have I heeded his advice thus far?
Don’t let 2016 pass you by. Take time to review your progress with our 4 quick course correction review questions. Take action today!