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We all have dreams!  At some point we are all faced with the opportunity to begin to make our dreams come true. Often what launches us out in pursuit of our dream is recognizing the door of opportunity. Look for your opportunity to take the first step toward seeing your dream come true. It all begins with one door opening!

build your dreamsCheck out these 7 steps toward seeing your dream come true!

1. Believe in the Dream! Your dream may be to take your family on a vacation to Costa Rica, or it may be a whole lot bigger….like launching a new business!

2. Break it down. The Only way to achieve a big dram is to break it up into realistic pieces. Like to old adage, how do you eat an elephant…One Bite at a Time. No worries no one here is really eating elephants. But the point is valid. A Big dream requires you to be able to see the end result and then do some reverse engineering to decide what steps you must take to get there.

Highline on New York's West Side3. Put a weekly action on it. What are some steps you can take on a weekly basis that will move you ahead. Is there a specific training you need? Get registered! Is there someone you need to make an appointment with? Make the appointment?

4. Put a time frame on it. Divide your action steps into realistic goals and set yourself a deadline to accomplish each step.

5. Trust a group of people who will hold you accountable to your dream, your actions steps and deadlines. People who can truly add insight to your journey.

6.  Ignore the naysayers. There will always be people who can see what’s wrong with your idea.

7. Expect your dream to come true. If you are taking all of the necessary steps, staying current with your trusted advisors, and moving forward consistently…then it truly is only a matter of time. You have to believe that it will happen….one day. Stay focused!


Make it a Great Day company loves to inspire people toward their dreams!

Don’t let your opportunity pass you by. Look for the chance to make a step forward toward your dream. With a simple action plan you can make weekly progress and begin to focus on the goal! Dreams only die if we let them! The Make it a Great Day Company was once a dream, and now we are seeing our dreams come true: creating high quality products, including the most versatile backpack and tote, that aid you in making each day great! Make today Great and live your dream.